Wicket Buzz on Live Examples
Eelco reminded me to take a look at the guestbook example on the Wicket Library to see whether anybody was trying it out. Well, here's a list of comments posted there:
6/29/05 ok I think this should be a good framework 6/29/05 Det är tröttsamt att lära sig en ny programmeringsmodell. Vad får jag här som fattas i de som jag redan använder? 6/29/05 vERY NICE 6/28/05 good stuff 6/28/05 cool stuff 6/28/05 china duxu was here 6/28/05 Joey was here 6/28/05 I prefer wings 6/28/05 Laszlo is not bad too :) 6/28/05 Will I switch from Tapestry???? Who can say :) 6/28/05 it's not bad, I appreciate the swing-like model, but it's not as easy as it seems... =D 6/27/05 wicket looks really cool... 6/26/05 Any Easier? 6/25/05 I think I like it 6/24/05 Hi, someone reading this???.. :-OOO
This blog is the answer to the last question: Yes we read (sometimes) the guestbook.
I don't know what the Danish, Norwegian or Swedish comment means, I hope it is not some plug for a wicked site.