Swing it! applet takes over canvas
Jonathan Locke never lost his love for Swing, and now he's made it possible to mash-up Wicket web applications with the old web technology: applets. His old high school friend Tim Boudreau has an article about it.
Even though they are convinced it has to do with Ajax, I think it is much more a precursor for the new Canvas technology that seems to get a lot of attention. So who will create a First Person Blogger where you can hunt down blog spammers? Or a Grand Theft Shopping Cart?
Many people ask whether Internet Explorer will ever support the canvas, so the applet may get us graceful degredation! And best of all: APPLETS ARE ALREADY HERE!
Be sure to watch this blog (or this one) of one of our greatest fans, as he already enjoyed Wicket without Swing:
Anyway, Wicket was the only web oriented thingie that got me excited in a long time and now they are planning to mix it with Swing. Damn, how better could this framework be?