Wicket news roundup
There is something in the air... All kinds of good stuff is happening in the Wicket community... Here's a recap of the most recent events:
- Wicket 1.3 released - download it now!
- Dan Syrstad released Wicket Web Beans 1.0. WWB is a component toolkit for displaying and editing POJOs that conform to the JavaBeans specification.
- Matej Knopp has released TreeGrid and DataGrid components as Apache 2.0 Licensed components
- The London Wicket event needs a bigger room
- Maurice Marrink has created a first release candidate for his Wicket security projects Wasp and Swarm
- Wicket in Action is nearing completion - chapter 15 is undergoing a final review round, and Eelco is working hard on completing chapter 14
- Fabulously40.com, a social network for fabulous women over 40 was converted from Ruby on Rails to Wicket. The convert writes:
I recently converted a Rails site to Wicket. Wicket really cuts down on template spaghetti code. I can honestly say that wicket’s OO approach is the right way of doing things for web application development.</p>
- Apache Jetspeed 2.1.3 provides out-of-the-box Wicket Portlet support
- An interview with me in JavaLobby, and in InfoWorld
- Ryan Sonnek implemented improved drag and drop support for scriptaculous
- Google charts has a Wicket implementation
- CSS drop down menus (Suckerfish) available as a wicket stuff project
And we've just started 2008, so this will be a big year!