I’m working in a piece of software that needs a builder inside a loop inside a CDI managed bean, but the builder should be configured using CDI.

E.G. this is part of a JBatch step that processes rows from a ResultSet

public class BananaBuilder {}

public class BananaProcessor extends AbstractBatchlet {
    // ...
    public void processRow(ResultSet rs) {
        BananaBuilder bb = ...

        ..... do something with the bananabuilder

As the BananaBuilder maintains some state that should be reset on each invocation of processRow, this is not an @Inject away: the injected instance of the BananaBuilder will only be injected once in the lifetime of the BananaProcessor instance, but I need it to be fresh on each invocation.

As I invoke processRow myself, I can’t @Inject the builder as a parameter to the method, how would I obtain that particular instance?

A Google search didn’t reveal direct usable results, because factory and CDI are rather popular generic terms together.

The correct way of doing this is either through Instance<BananaBuilder> or CDI.current().select(BananaBuilder.class).get().

So if you want to get a new instance everytime you need a BananaBuilder, then you could inject an Instance into your context:

public class BananaProcessor extends AbstractBatchlet {
    Instance<BananaBuilder> builderInstances;

    public void processRow(ResultSet rs) {
        BananaBuilder bb = builderInstances.get();

        ..... do something with the bananabuilder

This will get a new BananaBuilder on each invocation of the builderInstances.get(), achieving what we wanted. Note that the BananaBuilder needs to have @Dependent scope, which is the default scope if you don’t annotate your bean with a specific scope.


Using CDI to make a new builder inside a loop is not too difficult, but it was a bit hard to discover documentation explaining this.