List (and delete) git branches that have been rebased and merged
Whenever you rebase and merge a branch, git will not discover the local branch as being merged. So as I use ticket numbers as branch names and use the ticket number in the commit summary (together with a more descriptive summary and body) I can use the log to see if a branch was merged.
The following oneliner bash script below will check if the branch name exists in the log of the current branch (usually main) and generate corresponding delete branch git calls.
git for-each-ref --format='%(refname:short)' refs/heads | grep -v main | while IFS= read -r branch; do
if [[ $(git log -1 --grep "$branch") ]]; then
echo "git branch -D $branch"
So given a local branch with name JIRA-banana
, and a commit with a
message like JIRA-banana fixed NPE in FooBar
which was rebased and merged
with main, so the local head commit(s) don’t match with what was merged,
this will show the branch as merged.
In a single line command:
git for-each-ref --format='%(refname:short)' refs/heads | grep -v main | while IFS= read -r branch; do if [[ $(git log -1 --grep "$branch") ]]; then echo "git branch -D $branch" ; fi ; done
git branch -D JIRA-banana